Installation transforms Andreas-Hofer-Platz into oversized work of art Installation transforms Andreas-Hofer-Platz into oversized work of art
“Light drum” is intended to stimulate reflection
24. September 2021
AUTOR: Presseabteilung (sth)
Under the name ” Light Drum on A Point H Point Square”, “mehr licht”, the association for the promotion of art in public space, is transforming Andreas-Hofer-Platz into a unique work of art. For this purpose, the 28-metre high light pole dominating the square will be transformed into a “light drum”. In reference to the novel “The Tin Drum” by Günter Grass, the intention is to set a sign against exclusion, racism and xenophobia. Contipark supports the project.
The installation by the artist k.ada – the acronym stands for Ada Kobusiewicz, who was born in Poland and lives in Graz – has been on display since 23 September 2021 and is intended to inspire passers-by to reflect until March 2022. A series of events with interventions, readings, film projections and performances by local artists will also take place over the duration of the project.
Altogether, the installation consists of three elements: the light attachment transformed into a tin drum, two drumsticks, each six metres long, and the red-painted café roof. Due to its height, it is visible from many places in the city. As a “lighthouse”, so to speak, it is intended, together with the symbolism of drumming, to draw attention to dangerous, racist ideologies and to oppose their toleration with active, public action. Through its format, the project aims to reach as broad and diverse an audience as possible.
Located directly next to the Mur, connected to the main square and served by numerous bus lines, Andreas-Hofer-Platz is a central transport hub in Graz. It has existed in its current form since 1943, when it was still called Fischplatz. In 1947 it was named after the Tyrolean freedom fighter Andreas Hofer.
The underground car park was the first of its kind to be built in Graz in the 1960s. At that time, the Shell mineral oil company had obtained the right of use and development and built the underground car park and a café. Contipark has been operating the 207-space underground car park and the associated parking lot with its 18 spaces since 2017. Both properties are repeatedly the scene of spectacular art events. In addition to them, the company also operates the underground car parks “Dominikanerkloster” and “Lendplatz” in the Styrian capital.

Philipp Dietrich
Company spokeperson

Katrin Polenz
Manager Stakeholder
& Media Relations