CONTIPARK parent company Interparking celebrates 60th birthday
Contipark congratulates
22. October 2018
AUTOR: Presseabteilung (eko)
Now, one year later, the Belgian parent company of the company is also celebrating a round birthday. Interparking was founded in Brussels 60 years ago. The same year also saw the opening of the company’s first multi-storey car park called “Parking 58”. Built on the occasion of this year’s World Exhibition in Brussels, it laid the groundwork for a success story.
Since its foundation, Interparking has developed into one of the most important players in urban mobility in Europe. The company concentrates on three main strategies: continuous quality improvement, innovative mobility solutions for current urban challenges and environmentally friendly action. CONTIPARK adopted these strategies and ten years later began to conquer the German parking market with them.
The founder of Interparking, Claude De Clercq, is particularly pleased about the anniversary of his company. The mission with which he and Interparking started 60 years ago has remained the same to this day: “From the outset, we set the task for ourselves of improving mobility and easing congestion in the cities in which we have established our car parks,” says De Clercq. A complex task that Interparking masters with professionalism and commitment: “This involves coordinating with public transport networks, developing innovative solutions to move from one means of transport to another, using leading-edge technology to facilitate rotation within our car parks, introducing prices adapted to the service required by customers with flexible, secure payment methods, adapting to vehicle developments and, last but not least, fostering positive personal relations.”
Interparking has exported its recipe for success and now operates subsidiaries in eight European countries. In addition to Germany and Austria, the company is also active in the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Romania and Poland. In total, the group’s portfolio includes around 900 parking facilities and over 370,000 parking spaces throughout Europe.

Philipp Dietrich
Company spokeperson

Katrin Polenz
Manager Stakeholder
& Media Relations