Together for a colourful Vienna: Contipark supports art and social projects
Company promotes young Viennese artists
5. September 2022
AUTOR: Presseabteilung (sth)
Together for a colourful Vienna: Contipark supports art and social projects
As a successful company Contipark takes its social responsibility seriously and is involved on many levels. Whether socially, culturally or ecologically: with its commitment Contipark has been making its contribution to the creation and preservation of liveable cities for many years. The company mainly supports local projects, often in the immediate vicinity of its garages. In Vienna, Contipark has now given young people space for artistic development in two projects.
Commitment to children and youth work
Within the framework of a cooperation with the association “Juvivo”, children and youths of the 15th district have artistically redesigned the ventilation shafts of the underground car park. The theme was the basketball court on the Reithofferplatz, which is regularly used by the children and youths of the association. The ventilation shafts are also located in the immediate vicinity. With great enthusiasm, the participating children wielded their paintbrushes for two days and transformed the dreary concrete shafts into colourful works of art. Contipark not only supported the project by providing the appropriate space, but also covered the costs for the necessary working materials.
The Vienna-based association for open children and youth work “Juvivo” is active in six districts of the capital. In the 15th district, where the Contipark underground car park “Reithofferplatz” is located, the non-profit association is also committed to improving the living situation of children and young people. Demographically speaking, there are more of them in the 15th district than in any other district in Vienna. The work of the association is all the more important, and Contipark was happy to support it. Further cooperation possibilities are under discussion.
The underground car park “Reithofferplatz” has 188 parking spaces and is available as a neighbourhood car park exclusively to P-Card customers and long-term parkers.
Art in the underground car park
The company is also committed to supporting young artists in other places. Close to the Contipark underground car park “Am MuseumsQuartier” is the KMD Herbststraße art school. Contipark has concluded an agreement with this school that enables its students to present their works in the parking facility. The walls of the underground car park are now decorated with the results of the art project “Pop Art” of the 4th art year of the KMD Herbststraße. On display are fireproof, square panels that were individually designed using various printing techniques. The brightly coloured works are inspired by the pop artist Andy Warhol. So far, the response from park customers has been consistently positive. The exhibition will be on display until the end of the year.
The school KunstModeDesign Herbststraße is a higher federal school for fashion and artistic design. It evolved from the k.k. Kunststickereischule (embroidery school) founded in 1874 and offers educational programmes for various forms of design in the fields of fashion, art and crafts.
The underground car park “Am MuseumsQuartier” received the EPA Award in the category “Renovated Parking Facilities” in 2017. It is located in the middle of the MuseumsQuartier, which covers 90,000 square metres and 60 cultural institutions and is one of the largest art and cultural areas in the world, and has 939 parking spaces. Contipark operates a total of 14 parking facilities in Vienna.

Philipp Dietrich
Company spokeperson

Katrin Polenz
Manager Stakeholder
& Media Relations